

Smart Universal Seeding Appliance

Scientific Responsible of the project Dr. Paolo Carletti

Description of the operation:

Seeding is among the most important cultural actions, with direct effects on both the quantity and quality of production and consequently on the profit margins of agricultural enterprises. With the correct calibration of the seeding, not only the initial resources for agricultural production are optimized, but also the effectiveness of subsequent treatments, contributing to the reduction of the use of water resources and the use of fertilizers, on the way to a fully sustainable agriculture. The seeding sensor is the most important element of modern seed drills. It is the instrument that, by counting the seeds passing through the seeding tube, allows to monitor in real time the correct dosage and detect any anomaly in the distribution of seeds. Moreover, through the feedback sent to the seeding unit, the system is able to correct the speed of the distributor.


This project aims to develop a system called “SUSA”, that is a Smart Appliance for precision seeding that integrates, in the form of a kit: seeder, universal seeding sensor, electronic control unit and related cloud services. Its implementation combines a wide range of technologies, scientific and engineering disciplines.


The prevailing objective of the project is the realization and validation of a prototype system for precision seeding capable of optimizing the seeding process by assessing environmental and technical conditions in real time using technologies related to the disciplines of the Internet of Things.

Expected Results:


Al termine del progetto saranno realizzati:

  • a seeding machine
  • a universal seeding sensor kit and accessories for mounting along the seeding tube
  • a seeding control unit able to read/control a determined number of seeding rows giving to the operator on the tractor precise indications on the seeding process in progress. The control unit and/or the sensor will be connected to a centralized system able to record the process variables, process the information flows and give indications for the optimization of the seeding process;
  •  a connected system that makes seeding and environmental data available in the cloud to stakeholders (farm, contractor, institutions).

Financial support received: € 121,076.55 Contribution € 48,430.62

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